Steel mesh production
Stainless steel is the best material for the production of structural elements for industry. The Polish company Perfopol uses only the highest quality stainless steel, which is not only resistant to mechanical damage, but also to direct effects of destructive weather conditions and strong acids. We are able to offer our numerous customers wedge wire screens, as well as steel nets, which are created using other production methods. All such products are available at very affordable prices. Of course, not only wedge wire screens are of great interest, but also all kinds of steel sheets, which at your request can be covered with any type of perforation. Such a procedure is possible thanks to the use of modern industrial presses. The wide range of our company also includes steel sieves, profiles and pipes, which we can bend and weld to create any structures. Numerous awards and certificates confirm the global level of our offer, as well as care for ecology and customer service. Perfopol is also producing some specialized protection wear.
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